Friday, February 17, 2006

Helping to increase the survival rate of cardiac arrest victims

Los Angeles - The City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks General Manager Jon Kirk Mukri received the Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) Program Champion Award on February 14th. Mr. Mukri was recognized for his outstanding support of the City’s PAD Program while serving as the General Manager of the Department of General Services (GSD).

GSD, under Mr. Mukri, installed all the alarmed cabinets, wall brackets and signage for the automatic external defibrillators at City Hall, Piper Tech, Marvin Braude Center, Parker Center, the Personnel building and the Richard Riordan Library at no cost.

The PAD Program, coordinated by the Los Angeles Fire Department, purchases and installs Automatic Defibrillators (AEDs) in public places such as convention centers, golf courses and City buildings. The program also provides AED training for City employees. When used correctly AEDs (a medical device) can stop cardiac arrest.

Los Angeles Fire Chief William Barnattre unveiled a Public Safety campaign to raise awareness of Sudden Cardiac Arrest and the PAD program on February 16th. The event launched a series of public service announcements to publicize the availability of defibrillators at LAX, the Los Angeles Zoo, Convention Center and City Hall.

The goal of the new campaign is to increase the survival rate from sudden cardiac arrest throughout the City. Fire officials said they have trained over 4,000 City employees and have deployed over 644 AED units.

Joining Chief Barnattre and Mr. Mukri was cardiac arrest survivor Anel Mendez, a mother and teacher who suffered a cardiac arrest last summer at LAX. Her life was saved by the availability of a defibrillator, which was on site thanks to the PAD Program.

Jane Kolb: (213) 928-9294, or cell, (323) 816-6712