Dedication of outdoor facility at Sycamore Grove Park
Los Angeles - The Department of Recreation and Parks dedicated a unique outdoor fitness center at Sycamore Grove Park on Monday, June 11, 2007. The exercise facility is a joint venture between the Department and Greenfields Sports Park, a company based in Israel with offices in Los Angeles.
The $25,000 fitness center has 13 pieces of equipment designed for strength training and is free to use; the Department obtained eight of the pieces, while Greenfields donated the other five. A unique feature of the equipment is that it uses a person's body weight as resistance and thus can accommodate anyone who wants to work out; its durability also includes being able to withstand exposure to a variety of weather conditions.
Sycamore Grove Park is located at 4702 N. Figueroa Street in the Mount Washington area.
Media Contacts:
Jane Kolb: (213)928-9294, or cell, (323)816-6712
Harvey Drut: (213)928-9296, or cell, (323)816-6711
http://fittphysique247.blogspot.com/I think we are very fortunate to have a great facility like this one.
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