Tuesday, June 06, 2006

8 New hoops facilities from Fox Sports Net West

Los Angeles - The Department of Recreation and Parks in partnership with Fox Sports Net West dedicated both new and improved basketball courts at eight different recreation centers the week of May 29-June 2, 2006. Fox Sports Net (FSN) West and FSN West 2 gifted the Department with five new and three refurbished basketball courts at facilities throughout the City.

The eight centers that recieved new hoops facilities from FSN West are Slauson Recreation Center, Chatsworth South Recreation Center, Glassell Park, 109th Street, David M. Gonzales Recreation Center, Palms Recreation Center, Branford and Highland Park Recreation Centers.

Each of these centers had at least one highly deteriorated, outdoor, asphalt basketball court which had been on a priority list for refurbishment or replacement as soon as funds were available. Work on the courts required patching, and coating in some cases, and in others the asphalt had to be torn out, the underlying soil re-compacted, and all new asphalt caps applied. Each new court also received new backboards to complete the make-over process.

The basketball court reconstruction broke ground January 30, 2006 with the dual goal of promoting physical activity and creating an inviting, attractive community environment. The projects' completion was marked by dedication ceremonies at Slauson, Palms, Highland and Branford Recreation Centers.

The City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks is proud to have been able to team up with Fox Sports Net West to improve the neighborhood playing conditions, and to make the basketball dreams of boys and girls throughout the City come true!

Jane Kolb: (213)928-9294, or cell, (323)816-6712
Harvey Drut: (213)928-9296, or cell, (323)816-6711

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